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Kilburn Library Receives Libraries Improvement Fund from Arts Council England.

The London Borough of Camden has received £499,999 from the third round of the Libraries Improvement Fund for One Kilburn, a project to reimagine Kilburn Library and integrate a currently unused lower ground floor space. Thanks to Department for Culture, Media and Sport and Arts Council England. Camden Council’s vision ‘We Make Camden’ drives services to be resident led and the One Kilburn building project will see Kilburn Library shaped with the residents for the residents. The project will create an inspiring playful library space with sensory experiences which will amplify and celebrate its collections, with an increased digital offer; introduction of a co-working space and flexible spaces to relax. Colocation and community activation through use of meeting rooms and communal spaces; a media suite, and recording studio will all be included. The project will enable the building to be used by the community beyond the library opening hours. 

Posted on 23rd May 2024

by Fiona Tarn | Head of Libraries, Camden Council